
Daily Tanya Bechein Bechina

Not Broke, Lonely

Questions for today:

If ‘teshuva’ means return, return to what? What is the original state of the Soul?


We learned yesterday that the Hebrew word for repentance isn't ‘fixing’ something that's broken, rather, it means ‘returning’ to the original state.


What is the original state of the human soul?


If you look at the narrative of creation we find two big differences between the creation of the universe, and the Soul.


Number one, the universe was created from the G-dly name "Elokim". In book two we learned that the name Elokim implies the creative ability to hide all visibility of G-dly life - all you see is nature.


However the soul was created from the name of the Creator that implies "infinite".


The second difference we see is, if you look at the way they are  created, the universe is created from G-dly 'speech'. The soul was created by G-d 'breathing' into a person.


What is the difference? We have no idea on a G-dly level, but on a person you can see a person could speak and speak and speak and not get tired, because it's just an external expression.


However, if we breathe too deeply we'll get tired, because it's coming from 'inside' of ourselves. So the original state of the human soul – that was created by breathing - is an actual part of the internal, Infinite, Creator.


203 8 Tanya Tammuz 14 ~ m232 9 Tammuz 19

Tanya book 3, Ch 4, pt2


Study today’s Tanya in full:


See today’s video:

How do you know me so well?!


What is a Rebbe?
(hint: I don't know)

When people attempt to "share" the Rebbe, they use different anecdotes. 

A favorite is miracles. Some share astounding scholarly insights. None truly hit the spot.

Without attempting to succeed entirely there is one thing that touches me deeply. Every time that I hear an example of the Rebbe's personal care and attention to each individual, it impacts me.

Here is an example that I saw and shared yesterday. Some will revel in the miraculous aspect. Considering that the world is constantly under the Creator's loving care that may be amazing, but not surprising. What moves me is how the Rebbe noticed, mentioned, (helped) and remembered!

Today's Tanya answers yesterday's question with that point. Certainly we can study the Tanya like any other Torah source. But when we put it to the test we find it goes to the next level. 

The Tanya is mine. It knows me, it speaks to me, it helps me. 

Is it me?


One way that we see the Creator clearly in the world we live in, is in our diversity.

A machine can make millions of copies of anything, but the fact that there is no one - at all - exactly like me, is a tangible exhibit of the fact that we are created by a truly infinite being.

Within this framework, there are game pieces that fit. Each generation is gifted with a leader that can see, appreciate, and guide the individuality within each person, and the Torah has within it a unique lesson and message for each person, both in general, and as it applies to every detail of our lives.

This is true because our leaders are in tune with the subtle divinity within their, and our, Soul, and because the Torah is Divine.

But what if I can't meet a spiritual mentor, and they can't evaluate me and my needs? what if I can't ask questions and their only method of communication is "reply-all"?

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